(iTers News) - Can you create an even more enticing interactive game demo than our Jetpack Santa? We bet you can and to help you create it, we are partnering with Goo Technologies for Mozilla and Goo’s Game Creator Challenge.

The Web is open to everyone, so we want to see what happens when the game players become game creators and when game developers can create for the Web across multiple browsers and platforms to target billions of people.

Mozilla has helped pioneer technology that has set the Web up as a serious platform for distributing and developing games. WebGL, Emscripten, asm.js and Web Audio API are just a few of these technologies that now ensure that the Web offers the best and most complete platform for gaming possible.

To showcase these technologies, we’re looking for budding game creators to show us their creative genius. The power of the Web as a gaming platform and robust tools like Goo Create mean that this contest is open to a wide range of people – from those who’ve never created a game before, to people who know how to code a little, to more experienced game creators and JavaScript coders.

To create your games, you will be using the Goo platform consisting of Goo Engine – a 3D JavaScript gaming engine entirely built on WebGL/HTML5 – and Goo Create – a visual editing tool running on top of the engine. For inspiration, check out this video tutorial on how to create an interactive scene in Goo Create.

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